Archive for August, 2013

SynCurrency: Invent Your Own Money

Via Aeon, an interesting look at crypto currencies: Millions of Zimbabwean Dollars. By 2009, hyperinflation had rendered the currency worthless. Photo by Robin Hammond/Panos I don’t have much money. Then again, I couldn’t say exactly how much I do have. In the Co?operative Bank’s IT system is a database entry that says I have £97 […]

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Online Gambling Accounts For Almost Half Of All Bitcoin Transactions

Via Ars Technica, an interesting article on how online gambling is big business in bitcoin:   Even though I’m “not allowed” to visit this site, lots of people are gambling with Bitcoin online. It’s no secret that online gambling has been lucrative for a few pioneering companies. Even though it’s been illegal in the US […]

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SynCurrency: Bitcoin Aims To Counter Regulatory Pressure

Via The Financial Times, a report on efforts to promote bitcoin among regulators: Representatives of companies that trade in Bitcoin are stepping up their efforts to promote the virtual currency in Washington, in an attempt to counter regulatory suspicion that they say will drive financial innovation away from the US. Leaders of the Bitcoin Foundation, […]

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SynCurrency: Germany Officially Recognises Bitcoin As “Private Money”

Via CoinDesk, an interesting report on the German government’s decision to recognize bitcoin: The German ministry of finance (Bundesministerium der Finanzen) has officially recognised bitcoin, mentioning the digital currency in a reply to an inquiry in parliament. “The German Ministry of Finance does not classify bitcoins as e-money or as a functional currency, they cannot be […]

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Unraveling Zynga’s Internet Gambling Strategy

Via Kevin’s Corner, a look at Zynga’s revised internet gambling strategy: Zynga’s recent announcements regarding their internet gambling strategy has confused  business analysts, game publishers, game developers,  internet gambling experts, Zynga employees and land based casino business managers causing them to reassess  their relationship with Zynga and their own approach to the opening of the […]

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SynEducation: Master’s Degree Is New Frontier Of Online Studies

Courtesy of the New  York Times, an interesting article on massive open online courses (MOOCs) and one institution’s efforts to address the big problem of lack of certification: Next January, the Georgia Institute of Technology plans to offer a master’s degree in computer science through massive open online courses for a fraction of the on-campus […]

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