Archive for July, 2013

SynCurrency: Virtual Currency Gains Ground in Actual World

Via the New York Times, an article on the growing acceptance of bitcoins: Depending on whom you ask, bitcoins are a goofy geek invention with as much long-term value as Monopoly money — or a technology development that could transform currency the way e-mail and texting have transformed correspondence. A type of digital cash, bitcoins […]

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SynCurrency: Venture Capitalists Offer Their View On Bitcoin’s Growth Potential

Courtesy of The Genesis Block, some commentary on a recent investor conference focused on bitcoins: The first panel discussion at today’s Inside Bitcoin conference featured an array of investors from both the digital currency space and more established financial institutions. In addition to offering insight into what they look for in potential investments, they were […]

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RealNetworks’ New Social Casino Sweepstakes

Via All Things D, an article on RealNetworks’ new social casino sweepstakes: Rob Glaser dropped by the global HQ of AllThingsD to talk about a new offering that RealNetworks is rolling out today as part of its efforts to turn around its fortunes. Literally — with a sweepstakes. Glaser, a former Microsoft exec who founded […]

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SynCurrency: 10 Alternative Currencies

Via the TED blog, a review of alternative currencies: “Is there a reason for governments to be in charge of money?” asks Paul Kemp-Robertson in today’s talk. Judging by the new raft of alternative currencies—from digital coins to point systems that reward customers of a certain brand—the answer might someday be “no.” Again. As Kemp-Robertson […]

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No Dice: Zynga Decides To Abandon Real-Money Gaming Efforts In The U.S.

Via All Things D, a report on Zynga’s decision to discontinue the pursuit of real-money gaming in the U.S.: In its lackluster second-quarter report today, at the very bottom of its press release, Zynga made a very important strategic announcement, saying that it would not pursue real-money gaming in the U.S. It added that it […]

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What Does Zynga’s Launch Of An Internet Gambling Business Really Mean?

Via Kevin’s Corner, some analysis of Zynga’s recent launch of an internet gambling business: There has been much  commentary in the press and on blogs about Zynga’s  anticipated and perhaps rather late entry into the Internet gambling(iGaming) business.  This topic has been discussed for years and it is finally here. Although Zynga is the 600 […]

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