Archive for September, 2009

Facebook and Zynga: Virtual Partners = Real Profits

Courtesy of The Silicon Alley Insider , an interesting look at the relationship between Facebook and social games leader , Zynga.  As the article notes: “…Sources say Facebook advertising is “beating the s— out of its numbers.” One big reason? Social games maker Zynga. Making Facebook games like FarmVille and Texas Hold’em and then selling […]

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Skill Games In Second Life: Taking A Chance On Gambling In The Virtual World?

Via The Second Life Herald, an interesting article on gambling in Second Life, in particular the automated single player version of Zyngo.  As the article notes: “…Not long after Linden Lab wiped out almost all existing casinos, something strange happened to the joy of many: Linden Lab claimed that games of skill were not considered […]

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Augmented Reality

Courtesy of The Economist, an interesting article on augmented reality.  As the report notes: VIRTUAL reality never quite lived up to the hype. In the 1990s films such as “Lawnmower Man” and “The Matrix” depicted computer-generated worlds in which people could completely immerse themselves. In some respects this technology has become widespread: think of all […]

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Playing Chicken: Farmville, Zynga, and the Rise of Social Games

Via Hemispheres Magazine, an interesting look at the rise of online game company Zynga which has based its 
business on social networking and 
microntransactions.  As the article notes: “…Your new neighbor “Steph” just sent you some cherries and avocados, which will fit nicely in a tidy little plot next to your eggplants. You’ve still got […]

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Advatars And The ‘Attraction Economy’

Via The Guardian, an interesting commentary on The Attraction Economy and in-game advertising.  As the article notes: “…Whether you like the idea or not, in-game advertising is big business and it’s only going to get bigger. Earlier this year, Screen Digest predicted that the sector would be worth over £1bn by 2014 – commercial messages […]

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